Fix for Crashes on Sending Visit Letters
A new bug has appeared that is causing the DynaPDF plug in to completely crash the program when you call for certain PDF functions, like trying to email the letter to the Elders for the visit and other materials. Here's a simple fix to quickly correct things so you can send out your mailing.
The letter to the congregation as you know has been discontinued, however, you may still want to send a brief letter to the elders giving some additional information which the program still allows. If you have this enabled try 2 things first disable these functions one at a time as shown below:
Go to Compose Letter from your Mailings Tab under Routing
Click OFF the mailing of the letter to the elders for now. (Later you can check to see if this is the issue by removing text from your composition one field at a time to see if this is causing the issue)
Go to the Schedule Tab and Click OFF the Sending of the Schedule for now to see if this may be causing the issue
You will then see this below, with the Meeting Schedule turned off
Later,, you can try setting everything in the Meeting Schedule back to Defaults in case this may be causing an issue
This should fix the issue. We will be providing another update to the Plug in for creating PDFs and this may assist in removing any crashing issues
Also if you get any crashing in producing a s-303 form, remove all text in the comments and work to find an offending Character which is not transferring. This can happen and one brother had a foreign character in the field which caused a crashing as well.