Support Issues
Updating in Mac OSX Only - If Program Does not Auto Open - Version 5.58
For some updates the update may not automatically open and you will need to go to the Downloads folder and complete the update
Procedure for updated to Version 5.58 and also if the Program does not autoupdate
Due to some changes in the Apple OSX your next update might not auto open and complete the update on it's own, you may need to help it along this once. Afterwards, the other updates should open and the program should complete the update on its own after this one.
- Be sure to make a backup of your program before updating
- Delete all files in your Downloads folder (you don't need them and may interfere with the update process!)
- Go through the usual updating method of updating, clicking on the update link in the Directory at the top
- The program will go through the update process and export a file to the Downloads folder on your computer
- If you get this error message below, you will need to go to the next step
- If your program closes and does not reopen as it may for version 5.58, go to the Downloads folder and double click on the file as shown in your folder that was just downloaded, and should be called "Circuit Data On The Go.fmp.12"
- Allow the data to import into the program. After completing the import, you may get the above error one more time. If so, simply go to where your program is located and open manually and it should be updated.