Sub CO Mode
With the introduction of Version 4.83, we now have the ability to offer our databases to our Substitute Circuit Overseers!
In the past, if a Circuit Overseer wanted his substitute to use the program or if a substitute wanted a copy, he would write for his own log in and then this would be created and then sent to him. In many cases the substitute knew little if anything about the program or how it worked. Often I would have to assist the substitute to set up and use his program when in actuality he needed the program very little in his circuit, but was interested in using the program. While we are happy for Circuit Overseers and their subs to use the program, as you can imagine, time is of the essence!
With this version, Circuit Overseers can now make a copy of their database, then send it to their Sub, and assist him in setting it up and training him in how to use the database. It is easier and far better for the Sub to have a working database, perhaps with basic data from the Circuit Overseer's circuit (even if the sub serves other Circuits besides his own) than trying to start from scratch.
Here's how you share with your Sub:
- Open your own database you use
- Go to Directory and click "Save" and save to a convenient location like your Desktop, name it something like "Circuit Data On The Go For My Sub" (Always avoid using unusual characters in your file names)
- Close your Database
- Open the one you just saved, perhaps now on your Desktop
- Go to Circuit Info>Share/Moving Tab
- Using the column on the left, click all the items you want to remove. It would be good to remove your personal information and passwords of course
- When you click the button "Get Ready to Give to Sub" it will delete all information you requested in this now separate database
- In the process, it will then automatically add the Registration Code "SUBCO"
- You can open it to check the information you wanted removed is gone. It is now ready to share with your sub
- You can share by compressing the database, then email or share through Dropbox, Google Drive or some other method
Some additional helps
Remember, your Sub can use the database on FREE Filemaker Go on his phone or iPad, but better on the iPad of course. Then he does not have to purchase Filemaker. This will help him to have a working knowledge of the database. In SUBCO mode, the Sub cannot use HTML Emails because this requires a log in and separate Registration Number for all users. This is locked out as well as other features such as filling s-326 forms. Also of course you cannot automatically fill editable PDF forms from an iOS device.
If a user is proceeding through his final 2 weeks of training and it seems the program will assist him, then by all means he can contact me and we will set up a log in especially if he has already been using the program in the Sub CO work.
In Conclusion
This will be a far better way of assisting those working with the Circuit Overseers and alleviate the work we will have to put into managing matters on this end for the program. As always, it is better not to share with those who should not be using this information. We trust you brothers will use good judgment in who you share the program with, but all subs are welcome to use the program! No need to ask! Thanks for all your support!