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Support Help for the Congregation Visit
Review a brief video to see how quickly handle Appointments of Elders and ministerial servants during the visit.
Quick Links for Information
Statistics Panel
Reports/Email Notes
Other Functions
Statistic Details
Fields - These fields may be automatically filled when using the Data Gatherer. Note you cannot change the stats for the pioneers and appointed brothers here, you must do that under contacts.
Report and Notes
Report Fields - You can enter data for the report here and then click the button to post to jw.org on the appropriate form. Use the 'enlarge' icons on the right to make the field larger making it easier to fill and see, especially on the iPad.
Quick copy and paste of congregation number from the clipboard icon. s-303 send date located here as well as 2 separate messages you can use to send your report.
Listing of other functions
Automatically Finds Week Being Served When you enter this form, the week has already been selected for you based on your routing and based on what day it is. When you open Circuit Data on the Go on Tuesday, it will go to the upcoming week you are serving.
Note on Simultaneous Weeks Served (Sub CO Weeks served) - When you enter the visits portion of the program, and you have multiple congregations served on the same week, you will be asked which congregation's week you would like to go to.
Searching for Other Weeks - You can always pull up other weeks than the ones being served. Simply click on the navigation bar buttons at the top of the form and then scroll through the weeks to find the one you want, going forwards or backwards. Then click "Current Week" if you then would like to return back to the week you are serving.
Other Features
Automatic Updating of Circuit Totals
When you enter data for a congregation visit and then leave the form, it will update the circuit figures. If you are on vacation, have a host week or other activity that week, no updates will take place and the blank fields in the Congregation Visit form will not change the Circuit totals. No updating takes place of circuit and congregation figures on other weeks besides weeks of regular visits. (If you would like to manually add a congregation's numbers to the circuit totals, go to "Settings" from the "Support" menu at the top, click the button "Update Numbers to Circuit Figures") As a reminder, only the latest weeks figures are generally held in the Circuit Totals.
Tip: If you change congregation statistics, when you leave this form, you will notice some screen flickers as the program searches for the latest figures and then updates the circuit averages.
Top Button - All Pending Recommendations This will quickly show your recommendations for the week. Easy to come back here during the elder's meeting and add comments and other information needed which will be transferred to the web site later. Match Members to jw.org - This give you a quick listing form for members of the congregation. This will match in order those on the web site. Go to jw.org and simply select your congregation being served. Be sure you are listing ALL on the website. Then use this form to match who is listed. Have some been added to the site that you do not have? Have new pioneers been added or others have moved in? Then add them now to the database putting in the name and other basic information and then you can print this out later to obtain the persons contact information. Others may have been deleted or moved and no longer appear. Adjust your database listings accordingly. Enter Recommendations - Begin the recommendation process here, while going over the records. When you click this button, it will walk you through the process, entering vital information such as the birthdate and baptism date. You can select from currently appointed brothers or enter a new one. Much information will be automatically added and be ready for comments during the elder's meeting later in the week. New Feature - Visits Scheduling - Now you can schedule and take notes and picture on your visits, whether Bible studies or Shepherding Calls and even send them to the calendar.
"Data Gatherer"
This will take you through the data gathering process on Tuesday afternoon. This is especially helpful on the iPad. Get all the information you need for the week and see immediately the figures for the congregation and be able to chart any trends developing, while at the meeting with the secretary.
Agenda Creator
Go to this function to create nicely designed Agendas
Notes - Use this to keep track of what takes place during the week especially for follow-up later. You can also print out these notes for later use during the week or for others. Also if you have notes you will get a red "Badge" that will tell you you have notes.
Print All Appointed in Cong
This will give you a listing similar to what you will see on the jw.org site and in the same order as "All" being listed on the site, pioneers and appointed brothers included. This is so you can have a list of contact information on each person appointed in the congregation to perhaps pass around the pioneer meeting or elders and servants meeting. Print All Appointments and Rec This will print out a list of all appointed brothers in the congregation as well as recommendations. You can also print notes and other related sheets for the congregation.
This will allow you to view a variety of charts on all types of data for the congregation and for the circuit.
Send to s-303 form
Fills the inserted s303 form for the congregation visit.
Note: Some characters that may be pasted in the field going to the PDF don't always play well with the PDF's. If you have any trouble posting information in the form, check to be sure no extraneous characters are used.
Expenses Manager
This will help you to keep track of expenses in serving the congregations.
Related Video Tutorials
- Understanding How Congregation Visits works - Review what is involved getting information in for the week
- Performing Searches - Get detailed information from the database
- Watch the new Video Tutorial for Recommendations and Appointments! This will help you to get up an running quickly! It is also available on the Home Page too!