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Updates to Filemaker Pro, What it means...

You may have gotten an email from Filemaker (Claris) about Filemaker 19 no longer being supported. This version has been around since 2020! Long time to use a single version. Now Claris is on to Filemaker Pro 2023 and 2024, pretty big jumps! What does this mean for most of us including myself who may still be using Filemaker 19? This notification about no longer supporting this version is a normal step as companies expect you to move on to their latest software and pay for the upgrade, nothing unusual about that and that's how they make money and stay in business! (Sorry about that!) It simply means the following: When Apple or Windows releases a new update to their Operating system (Mac is on Sequoia now) then it may possibly break some aspects of Filemaker and you will have to pay for a Filemaker upgrade to continue using the computer version. (Filemaker Go is still free to use) If we update Filemaker to 2023 or 2024 then it is possible that the Plug ins that we use for Filemaker will no longer work with the newer version. I have not updated the plug ins for CDOTG and Filemaker as the cost is now getting somewhat prohibitive at about $500 a year. So you see the paradox, if you don't update Filemaker it may not work on the new operating system, if you do update, then the plug ins may not work with some functions not working. Also at the present, importing from the JW Hub is not working, having been broken recently and may not be able to be fixed, hence other database options may be more reliable.

We wish we could tell you more, but free is a much better option and with some many things going the route of Hub it seems that the need for a database is getting more finite. Not totally dispensable but other options may work satisfactorily for the future.

In addition to language CA programs, again, only English is provided. We will be happy to provide other languages if you submit them after they are created and we can upload them for others to use. The trick is simply to create initially an English assebmbly program and then convert it to Spanish, Korean, etc. Very easy but must be done by those who understand the language and can do this accurately! Thank you for all your input brothers and happy databasing!!