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Creating SCE Programs
Now you can create Schools for Congregation Elders quickly and easily with entering only a minimum of data. Follow these instructions below to get you up and running in no time!
Follow these instructions to set up your database
Review these brief video tutorials to see how quickly you can set up your Schools. Also you can click on these videos from the forms using the video button
Setting up the database for SCE School Instructing
Setting up the schools themselves
Setting up the Student Roster
Setting up the Assignments
First, get your database up and running before you actually begin to enter data for your school!
- Note: You CAN use your old circuit database, however, be sure to delete data in your database from Contacts, Pioneer Schools, and Assembly and Workshop participants first. Go to the top of your program in Filemaker in each of these areas and click "Records" in the top menu bar and then, "Delete All Records". This will eliminate all the data, no longer needed from previous contacts or schools to avoid confusion. However, you can leave Contacts in the database with no adverse effects on your program. But we recommend starting with no previously existing Assembly programs, Pioneer Schools and Workshops in your database. If you use your previously used database from the circuit, then after deleting the data you can skip to step 7
- You will need Filemaker Pro preferably version 17 or later to operate the database on your computer. Install it on your computer and then OPEN IT.
- Then go to www.cdotg.net and download the latest "Circuit Data On The Go" database
- After downloading it, browse to the file in Downloads from Filemaker and open it the downloaded database
- After opening it with Filemaker, enter the required information.
- You may be asked to install or update your plug in software
- You may also need to update your program
- Once done with the above, go to "Circuit Info" the "Settings" tab and click the box for SCE Instructor
- Now you are in SCE mode. Click back to the Directory.
- You can come back to "Circuit Info" and form and change a few things such as eliminating the field data for any fields highlighted in yellow.
- Change the last field at the bottom to a wording of your choice in your language as indicated
- Note: You CAN use your old database
You are now ready to set up a school!
Here's some things to remember when creating schools for the elders:
- Create the import file using the Video Tutorial on the form for the SCE module
- Use the sample Excel file to assist you in copying and pasting the exact Header Titles needed at http://www.cdotg.net/Downloads/SCESample.xlsx
- Next create a school by clicking "+"
- Fill in the basic data for the school
- The second panel has the information you can send to the location coordinator
- Click on the school to work in it